Kambo Private Session   

One on one private (1 person)

This option is perfect for those wishing to sit with Kambo in a private yet, personal setting.​   

​Sessions are 1-2 hrs., includes Guardianship, Kambo, Rape', Sananga', Ceremonial Materials, and other supportive healing practices based on what comes up, pre Indepth consult, post follow up care if needed, integration, tea and fruit at close.

Kambo Inoculation Treatment 

Kambo Sessions within a 28 day period.  

Normally 3 consecutive days or 3 time within one moon cycle.
The "Inoculation" is foundational to working with Kambo. Some tribes say you should do 3 sessions within one moon cycle to get a full energetic and physical clearing. It is a life changing and enriching experience. You will still receive benefits and get a deep cleanse with single sessions.

Sessions are 1-2 hrs., includes Guardianship, Kambo, Rape', Sananga' and other supportive healing practices based on what comes up, pre in-depth consult, post follow up care if needed, integration, tea and fruit at close.

Kambo 3X3 Session 

Three sessions of the frog secretion are administered within a three hour time period; the dosage increasing over the course of the treatment. The warriors initiation.

Sessions are 1-2 hrs. includes Guardianship, Kambo, Rape', Sananga', and other supportive healing practices based on what comes up, pre in-depth consult, post follow up care if needed, integration, tea and fruit at close.

Rapè & Sananga only

Great for beginners with plant medicine & ceremony.

Sessions are 1 hr, includes Guardianship, Rape', Sananga' and other supportive healing practices based on what comes up, pre indepth consult, post follow up care if needed, integration, tea and fruit at close.

Please note that none of the services offered constitute any form of medical practice.Kambo is not s medicine. Tribal Detox Practitioners are not doctors nor any  other forms of medical practitioners. Tribal Detox practitioners do not diagnose, offer health advise, treat physical or mental health issues or prescribe medicines. Kambo is a shamanic ritual and ceremony from the amazon rainforest. It is not a medical treatment. Participants are advised to do their own research as to the potential benefits of taking Kambo. None are implied or offered here. This information is not intended to treat ,diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or illness. All material provided is for educational purposes only. Always seek the advise of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding  medical condition.

Please note that Kambô is not for you if you meet/have any of the following conditions:    

Stroke • Heart bypass surgery • Enlarged heart • Implanted cardioverter defibrillators or artificial parts like stents and staples • Congestive heart disease • Excess fluid in the heart sack • Heart valve replacement surgery • Organ transplant • Taking medicine for blood clots • Pregnancy • Mental health problem requiring daily medication (excluding PTSD and anxiety) • Epilepsy • Bipolar disorder • Within a month of chemotherapy or radiotherapy • Taking immunosuppressants for an organ transplant • Addison’s disease • Recovering from a major surgical procedure • Person is water fasting for more than 12 hours • Person received an enema within 3 days prior • Within one month, the consumption of 5meoDMT (Bufo) • Person with the age between 18 - 70 • Person is being pressured into doing Kambo by another person  • Person lacks the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo • Person is desperate for a solution to a life threatening problem • Person shows no respect for the medicine • Person with low blood pressure • Person who has consumed large amounts of water prior to arriving for Kambo • Person has eaten within 7 hours of receiving Kambo. If you are planning to have kambo session, be sure you are not on water fasting and will not have colonic hydrotherapy, enemas, liver flushes or any water-based detox at least 3 days before kambo.

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