What is Kambo? Kambo – [kahm-bo] – aka (Sapo)
The secretion derived from the skin of the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog – (Phyllomedusa bicolor)
There is a Kaxinawa legend from Brazil, that tells of the Natives from a village falling very, very ill and the medicine man, Paje’, had tried everything possible to heal them. All medicinal herbs known were used but none would help his people. So, Paje’ decided to enter the forest, and under the effects of a sacred plant medicine, he received a visit from a female spirit of the forest, she brought in her hands a large green frog, from which she took a white milky secretion and taught Paje’ how to use it. Returning to the tribe and following the vision that he had received, Paje’ was able to cure his people. After his death, the tribe believed that his spirit passed into the frog and they began to use its secretion to stay active, healthy, and strong from Kambô. ~ The Spirit of the Shaman
- Kambo: Vaccine of the Forest
“It is venom and it is medicine. It is frog, “toad,” and snake. It is saliva and it is water. It is well researched and completely mysterious. It is magic and it is science. The human body recognizes it instantly, while our culture often mistakes it for something else. In water, in trees, on land—it is fluidity and unity. It is the sacred secretions of the Matsés, the cat people, now the eagle. Happens fast, feels like forever. It is Sapo, and it is Kambo. It is the Amphibian, in our bodies, souls and worlds.” ~ Morgan Maher, from the forward of Sapo in My Soul.
Kambo is “one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system.” Kambo is the name given to the traditional Shamanic frog secretion cleanse that is used to strengthen and heal mind, body, and spirit. The scientific name for this frog is Phyllomedusa bicolor or “Giant Monkey Frog”. This frog lives in the Northwestern part of the Amazon Rainforest, namely Colombia and on the border between Brazil and Peru, and is used by indigenous tribes there to gain strength, immunity, and hunting magic. This cute frog secretes poisonous waxy secretions from its skin, the potency of which repels all predators. The secretion from the Giant Monkey Frog is applied to the skin after small burns are made with the tip of a glowing stick. Once applied, Kambo stimulates a strong physical purge while toxins and ‘bad luck’ or ‘panema’ are eliminated from body and spirit.
What is Rapéh? (pronounced “Ha-peh”)
Nicotine may be a widely abused substance in our modern world, but to many indigenous cultures of the Americas, tobacco is a sacred plant known to cleanse both individuals and ceremonial spaces. That’s the case for rapéh (pronounced “ha-peh”), a powerful, cleansing snuff used by shamans in Brazil and Peru as part of important medicinal rituals.
Rapéh is gaining more popularity outside of the Amazon for its medicinal properties, and for people interested in trying it, it’s important to find a reputable source for sacred tobacco.
- Benefits of Using Rapéh can help you in the following ways:
- Helps focus and sharpen the mind.
- Clears a person or space of distracting, bad energies in preparation for intention setting.
- Detoxes both body and mind and clears your energetic field. Because of this, rapéh is often used in conjunction with ayahuasca ceremonies.
- Clears sinuses of mucus and bacteria, thereby helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments.
- Provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions that lasts much longer than the initial sensation.
- Can be used in conjunction with other treatments for addiction and mental illness.
While rapéh is often made of several Amazonian plants, the core of most rapéh snuffs is the tobacco species Nicotiana rustica. This Amazonian tobacco, also known as Mapacho, is used extensively in tribal rituals and is much stronger than N. tobacco, the type of tobacco found in cigarettes. In addition to smoking, rapéh usually includes the alkaline ashes of other plants such as cinnamon, tonka bean, clover, banana peel, or mint. Many shamans keep the exact ingredients of their particular rapéh a secret.
The Experience of Using Rapéh:
The tobacco and other ingredients are ground into a fine powder, which is then blown or snorted high into each of the nostril cavities through a ceremonial pipe made of bone or bamboo. While it’s ideal to do this using a two-person pipe and an experienced shaman or practitioner administering the snuff. Rapéh is a cleansing medicine, so you may experience side effects such as vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea after taking it. Although this is an admittedly uncomfortable part of the experience, some people say the pain is an integral part of the spiritual and physical cleansing process—by purging deep-seated toxins, you come out the other side of the experience feeling calmer, more focused, and more in line with your true self.
What is Sananga and why in the hell does it burn? The pronunciation for Sananga is 'Sa-nan-ga'.
Sananga is a tradition of the Matis tribe, an indigenous tribe of the Amazon. They have been using Sananga (also known as Becchete) and other Amazonian plants for generations. They use Sananga for healing both ritual and medicinal purposes, which include improving their focus and clearing out distracting energies before going on a hunt.
Sananga is a potent eye drop that has been used for many reasons, including its ability to sharpen night vision. Some tribes in Brazil use sananga before ayahuasca ceremonies because they believe it has a healing power that is more energetic than physical, increasing spiritual insight in those who use it. Many people today also use it in conjunction with kambô or other psychedelic plants and chemicals.
Among its myriad benefits, sananga is said to be capable of detoxifying the body, increasing visual perception, resetting the energetic field, and treating spiritual diseases (also known as “panema”) that spring up from negative energies in the body.
Sananga is made from the Tabernaemontana undulata shrub of South America. They take the bark from the roots of the shrub and grind it into a very fine powder, which they strain several times through mesh using fresh water. Not all of the active ingredients have been scientifically proven, but it is said to contain ibogaine, which is known to have neurological and psychological benefits. It also contains several alkaloids that can have strong psychoactive effects.
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